How to Stream the Clinton/Trump Presidential Debate on Your iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV
The first presidential debate between Democrate candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump is scheduled to start at 9PM easter time on Monday, September 26th, and there are plenty of ways to watch even if you don’t have a cable TV subscription. Read on to see which iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV apps are ready to keep you in the political loop.
Broadcast TV News
Cable and Online News
Social Media and Streaming Video
All the apps are free, and most will let you stay on top of the presidential debates without any login. Twitter and Facebook, however, do require logins because they’re social networks.
The first presidential debate is being moderated by NBC news anchor Lester Holt at Hempstead Hew York’s Hofstra University. Presidential debates are also scheduled for October 9th and October 19th.
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