How to Correct Siri’s Music Choices
As everyone who regularly uses Siri knows, the voice assistant isn’t always great at parsing follow-up questions.
Yeah, ummmm…no. Just no, Siri.
When you’re using Siri to play music, though, you can correct it if it fails to do what you’ve requested, and I’ve found that this actually works pretty well. For example, if you ask for a song to be played and Siri chooses the wrong one from your library…
…you can respond with something like “No, play the version by [artist]” or “I mean the [artist’s] version”:
Another way to use this is to have Siri distinguish between songs and albums. So if you want to play an album with the same name as a song and Siri picks the wrong item, just tell it, like so:
Despite Siri’s shortcomings, I still use it tons; I’m a big Siri fan. But I would be an even bigger fan if it were a bit smarter! Just a bit—not Skynet smart, y’understand.
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