If You Thought You Could Skip (or Dismiss) the iPhone X, Think Again

Every autumn, Apple introduces a new, better iPhone. This year, Apple went out on a limb and produced, in fact, three new models: the iPhone 8, the iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone X. Naysayer panic ensued.

s pricing were all expected by the naysayers to be show stoppers If You Thought You Could Skip (or Dismiss) the iPhone X, Think Again

iPhone X. Best ever takes on a real meaning.

The sequencing of the launches, the model mix, and the X’s pricing were all expected by the naysayers to be show stoppers. Not to mention various dated half-truths about supply chain production problems. It just goes to show that individuals can never outthink Apple. During Apple’s Q4 2017 earnings report, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that that whole process was the result of [their] “best thinking.”

That best thinking consists of knowledge that outsiders don’t have. That includes specific details of the manufacturing details and issues for a new product, the expected number of customers who will upgrade from older iPhones, and the various ways customers purchase their iPhones. For example, for those who pay for their iPhones monthly, the incremental extra cost for an iPhone X is a few expensive coffees per month, loosely paraphrasing Mr. Cook.

Under Promise. Over Deliver. Again.

The other thing Apple executives know is how well the supply chain, with its various individual vendors, is ramping up. That knowledge, and the corresponding algorithm, is what allows the online order system to predict a confident, under-promise-over-deliver shipping window. Duh.

For the last week, there have been many reports of how delivery dates for the iPhone X have been advanced by a week or so. (For me, it was 11 days.) That’s likely related to Mr. Cook’s comments about how iPhone X production is increasing every day.

Apple is a huge, capable company with massive engineering talent and production expertise. And yet, when a new iPhone comes out, some writers surmise that Apple is merely a mom-and-pop bakery operation, suddenly unable to cope with an extra big order for birthday cakes.

Doubts that masquerade as expert analysis about fatal production issues have proved, once again, inaccurate and tiresome. This week, we saw how useless they really are.

The next page cites a few of the best articles that paint the real picture of the iPhone: its stellar design, development and superb delivery on Apple’s promises.

Next Page: The News Debris For The Week of October 30th. iPhone X: best of the best.

Page 2 – News Debris For The Week of October 30th.

iPhone X: Best of the Best

There was a boatload of interesting articles about the iPhone X this week. One thing is certain, however. As more information gets out about this miracle of engineering, there’s more and more appreciation for its beauty, more understanding of the features, and likely more demand. Here are the most interesting articles I found.

s pricing were all expected by the naysayers to be show stoppers If You Thought You Could Skip (or Dismiss) the iPhone X, Think Again

No white area with Silver color because the bezel is so thin and no Home button area.

First, when we heard that Apple would have some iPhone X inventory in the retail stores, for walk-ins, on November 3rd, it was tempting to surmise that it would be only a token number per store. But 9to5Mac has evidence that there were more allocated than natural pessimism would suggest. “Reports that Apple Stores may have more iPhone X stock than expected for walk-in customers.

BGR discusses some of the interesting internals of the iPhone X: “iPhone X secrets revealed: The phone has two batteries and two logic boards

For a more extensive overview of the development of the iPhone X, I recommend this article by Lance Ulanoff at Mashable. “This is how Apple built the iPhone X.

iPhone X owners will become familiar with new display technology: the notch and the horns. Here’s a light-hearted missive: “I finally understand what the iPhone X ‘notch’ is for.


The iPhone X is even more impressive when we note that “iPhone X tech was originally meant to show up in 2018, Apple’s Riccio says.

If your iPhone is out of warranty or AppleCare+, it’s going to cost a pretty penny to have it repaired, screen broken or otherwise. Here’s a chart that shows how expensive it’ll be to repair the latest iPhones. My advice is to spend the US$199 for AppleCare+ if you purchase an iPhone X. Yes, I know Apple always makes money on AppleCare, an so it’s not what’s called a “fair bet.” Even so, you’re also paying for peace of mind.

Finally, from the awesome Steven Levy himself, (Wired) we get one of his quintessential product reviews that really shines. “The First First Impression Of The iPhone X.” This may be a first impression, but it’s also darn thorough. And inspiring.

I can’t wait for mine to ship.

Particle Debris is a generally a mix of John Martellaro’s observations and opinions about a standout event or article of the week (preamble on page one) followed on page two by a discussion of articles that didn’t make the TMO headlines, the technical news debris. The column is published most every Friday except for holiday weekends.

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