The iPhone on a Car Dash is Not The Right Way to Navigate
Combining AR with maps navigation has been an obvious use case for a long time now. AppleInsider explores the possibilities. “Apple Maps may add AR view highlighting the route ahead while driving.”

From Apple patent application.
In a patent application titled “Navigation using Augmented Reality” published by the US Patent and Trademark Office on Thursday, Apple believes it can provide better visual information to the driver, by taking advantage of AR.
While this may be one of those defensive patents, I really think this concept is right up Apple’s alley. However…
Recently, I was driving a 2019 rental with a really large, exotic LCD display. Full of features. I had to force myself to keep my eyes on the road. And so, my current belief is that AR + maps has to be in a head-up display, superimposed on the windshield, just as jet pilots do it. Looking at an iPhone while driving, mesmerized, changing focus from far to near and back, no matter how cool the AR effects are, is just asking for trouble.
Just like pilots, eyeballs need to be mostly outside the cockpit. Apple’s desire to sell cool iPhones must be subservient to this safety issue while driving. Indeed, car makers need to develop an AirPlay interface to the windshield head-up system to make this happen, and Apple should promote the usage, if the patent becomes reality, in that manner.
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• Almost always, Apple customer support in the retail stores is stellar. But sometimes, a store employee goes wrong, and one has to take charge. The story is at BGR: “Apple customer details how he took Apple to court twice – and won both times.”
• Another current motif is that Apple will soon take some Macs to the A-series ARM CPUs. Jason Snell gives us some preparatory background. “How a 16-inch MacBook Pro sets the table for ARM MacBooks.” Along the way, author Snell sizes up Apple’s MacBook/Air/Pro lineup.
As much as I love the current-model MacBook Air, it is literally the only consumer-grade laptop Apple sells today. Apple seems to have spend the last couple of years cleaning up the mess it made in miscalculating the appeal of the 12-inch MacBook and the 13-inch MacBook Pro, which is admirable—but right now, if you don’t want to pay for a MacBook Pro, all you’re left with is the Air.
It could well be that we’ll see some A-series MacBooks of some kind with new, scissors mechanism keyboards in 2020. Wouldn’t that be glorious?
Particle Debris is a generally a mix of John Martellaro’s observations and opinions about a standout event or article(s) of the week followed by a discussion of articles that didn’t make the TMO headlines, the technical news debris. The column is published most every Friday except for holiday weeks.
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