How to Pin Notes under iOS 11 and High Sierra
With macOS High Sierra and iOS 11, you can now pin notes to the top of your lists in the default Notes app, so if you have one note (or a dozen) that you refer to pretty often, this’ll help quite a bit. I have approximately a million notes, only about four of which I need, so I’m very happy about this! (It should go without saying, but don’t be like me. No one actually needs a million notes.)
To use this feature on your Mac running High Sierra, you can either select the note you’d like to pin and choose File > Pin Note…
…or you could instead swipe on the note from left to right across your trackpad to do the same thing. A hard swipe will pin it automatically; a gentler one will give you the option to then click the “Pin” icon.
After you do either of those things, your selection will appear at the top of your list, as I mentioned.
To unpin an item, just reverse these steps; choose File > Unpin Note or swipe across and pick “Unpin,” whichever suits your fancy.
Under iOS 11, you can also swipe from left to right across a note to pin or unpin it.
And no more will your notes be lost in your list! No more searches will you do! No more cleaning out must you undertake! …But seriously, I really need to clean out my notes. I can practically hear the app wheezing when I use it.
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