Tim Cook Talks Privacy and Health in Interview

On NPR‘s All Things Considered, Tim Cook talked about privacy and health in an interview.

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Health Records

Tim Cook is definitely aware of those apps that shared health information to Facebook. One small bright side to that was those apps weren’t accessing Apple’s Health app, or health records.

Tim Cook is definitely aware of those apps that shared health information to Facebook Tim Cook Talks Privacy and Health in Interview
Keeping organized health records is key. Image credit: Apple

People will look at this and feel that they can trust Apple. That’s a key part of anyone that you’re working with on your health…It’s not the way we look at it in terms of advantages. The reality is that I know for me, I want to do business with people that have my health data, people that I deeply trust.

Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Doctors and others working with health information have so far been comfortable with Apple, due to the company’s commitment to privacy.

Nothing is more important than keeping the privacy of our patients’ health information. This data did not go into the cloud. It only resided on the user’s device, is encrypted and is only accessible with user permission. There are potential risks. It is important that patients be informed so that they’re not inadvertently sharing information with third parties they would not want to have this information.

Dr. Chris Longhurst, Chief Information Officer at UC San Diego Health

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