In The Future You Could ‘Clarify’ Tweets (But Still Not Edit)
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced the company is considering adding a feature that would let you explain tweets by adding new or additional context (via Mashable).
[Touch Twitter’s Sparkle and Something Wonderful Will Happen]
This sounds like Twitter is considering clarification instead of editing. So while you won’t be able to correct that typo, you can explain that you definitely didn’t mean to make that typo (which sounds utterly useless).

One of the concepts we’re thinking about is clarifications. Kind of like retweet with comment.. to add some context and some color on what they might have tweeted, or what they might have meant.
Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO
The key word is considering. A clarify tweets feature might not even launch, but it’s one idea to help improve Twitter’s experience.
[Twitter on Deprecating APIs: Our Apps are Better]
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