How to set the Calendar app to start on Monday instead of Sunday

When y'all purpose the Calendar app on your iPhone How to laid upwards the Calendar app to foremost on Mon instead of Sunday

When y'all purpose the Calendar app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac,
does your calendar week automatically foremost on Lord's Day when y'all would rather it didn’t?
In the United States, the default foremost solar daytime of the calendar week for the Calendar is
Sunday. But inwards other countries, the foremost solar daytime may go a unlike solar daytime like

Not to worry, this tutorial shows y'all how to laid upwards the
Calendar app to foremost on Mon (or whatever day) instead of Sunday.

Change the Calendar foremost solar daytime on iPhone as well as iPad

On your iOS device, this adjustment is made inwards the Settings. So, opened upwards that upwards as well as thence do
the next to alter the foremost solar daytime for the week.

1) Select Calendar.

2) Tap Start Week On.

3) Select the day y'all desire the calendar week to
start on.

When y'all purpose the Calendar app on your iPhone How to laid upwards the Calendar app to foremost on Mon instead of Sunday

Close your settings as well as you’re practiced to go.

Change the Calendar foremost solar daytime on Mac

On your Mac, you’ll caput to the Calendar app to brand this change, thence opened upwards it as well as thence follow these
steps to alter the calendar week foremost day.

1) Click Calendar > Preferences from the bill of fare bar.

2) On the General tab, click Start Week On.

3) Select the day y'all desire the calendar week to
start on inwards the drop-down box.

When y'all purpose the Calendar app on your iPhone How to laid upwards the Calendar app to foremost on Mon instead of Sunday

Close the Calendar preferences
and y'all should encounter the alter immediately.

Additional Calendar how-tos

For to a greater extent than Calendar app help, depository fiscal establishment tally out our other tutorials.

Wrapping it up

As y'all tin forcefulness out see, y'all tin forcefulness out laid upwards whatever solar daytime equally your week’s foremost day
in the Calendar app. It’s a quick as well as slowly alter that many tin forcefulness out appreciate. Is
this something you’re going to change?

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