Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

I’ve talked before about how simple it is to get rid of backup data for old devices within iTunes on the Mac, so if you’re storing an ungodly amount of stuff from ancient iPhones on your computer, you can reclaim some of that space. But if you’re taking up tons of your iCloud storage with that same thing, you could have a problem (like not having enough room to back up your current devices!). To check this and remove anything unnecessary, first use the Apple Menu at the upper-left corner of your screen to open System Preferences on your Mac…

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

…and then pick “iCloud” from the big list that will appear. Within the iCloud pane, choose “Manage” at the bottom.

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

And from the following screen, you’ll find a “Backups” section that’ll show you the amount of storage taken up by that data. Click that to see which devices are backing up.

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

If you see an old device in there (or one that you don’t need to be backed up), just select it and click the “Delete” button. When you do so, your Mac will warn you before things get real:

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

As that dialog box notes, this will turn off backups for that device, so if you accidentally remove the one for your current iPhone or iPad, just be sure to go turn that backup on again within the device’s Settings. Oh, and if you’d prefer, you can also do this same thing with iOS! To do THAT on your iPhone, say, open the Settings app, tap on your picture at the top…

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

…and then touch “iCloud” on the subsequent screen. If you select “Manage Storage” afterward…

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

…you’ll find the same “Backups” section.

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups


Under THAT (whew), you’ll see a list of your devices just like on the Mac, and tapping one will give you the option to delete its backup.

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

ve talked before about how simple it is to  Reclaim iCloud Storage Space by Deleting Old Backups

Yes, yes, I know my iPhone’s battery was low. So sue me. Or wait, don’t. I’m going to need money to get a new iPhone/Apple Watch/iPad in about a month, maybe.

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