Meet the VPs Behind the Scenes at Apple
We hear at lot about the high-profile Senior VPs at Apple, but what about the regular VPs behind the scenes, VPs who keep the company humming?
The Particle Debris article of the week is from Mark Gurman at Bloomberg.
The subtitle, “Dozens of vice presidents are crucial to the Apple of today and the company of tomorrow.” foretells the description of men and women whose names are generally not known but who bear a healthy responsibility in carrying out the crucial work defined by Apple’s Executive Team.

Apple’s VP of Apple Pay Jennifer Bailey. Image credit: Forbes.
Perhaps one VP we do know well is Jennifer Bailey, VP of Apple Pay.
Bailey is a key Apple services executive. She oversaw the launch and development of Apple Pay in 2014 and continues to be its driving force in meetings with retailers and financial partners. So far, Apple Pay has amassed over 127 million active users, according to analysis from Loup Ventures…
While these VPs bear a lot of responsibility, they don’t have a significant amount of unilateral decision authority in broad matters. Their job is to execute the plan, and former VPs who didn’t undestand that had a tough time at Apple. That makes the work these current VPs do all the more remarkable. And appreciated. Check out this excellent work from author Gurman.
• There’s been a lot of speculation about two new, rumored Macs that may soon be upon us. I’ve been doing it myself with the new, low-cost MacBook Air and what I’ve coined the Mac mini Pro. Here’s yet more insight from two formidable Apple observers.
- John Gruber: “Let’s Really Think About This ‘New Low-Cost Laptop to Succeed MacBook Air’ Thing.“
- Dan Moren: “When the Mac mini goes pro, will the pros get Mac minis?“
If there is one enduring theme I am clinging to myself on the these two, new Macs, it’s that the Mac mini Pro will be more formidable in power than anyone has surmised and will be priced accordingly. In terms of the new, low-cost notebook “thing,” Apple’s idea of low-cost isn’t the same as ours. Think no less than US$799 before educational discounts.

An AI agent wouldn’t be bored with this next article.
• Internet articles on tech, in general, have to be bite-sized. When they get very long, the reader feels overwhelmed. So my congratulations to ZDNet’s Nick Heath for patiently producing an encyclopedic treatise on AI. “What is artificial general intelligence?” Subtitle: “Everything you need to know about the path to creating an AI as smart as a human.”
And I mean everything . You’ll be smarter yourself after reading Heath’s work.
• If this next article weren’t at BigThink,” I might have glossed over it. But in reading, I realized that there’s some substance here worth pondering. And so it makes the cut for Particle Debris. “In 1973, an MIT computer predicted the end of civilization. So far, it’s on target.”
That’s not to say one should take everything predicted at face value. Rather, I’d say, place it in perspective with what we know now. For example, the technical and social impact of denying climate change. See, for example, “Germany Has Proven The Modern Automobile Must Die.”
• High school Students have been told for years that, without a college degree, they face a bleak future. However, for every rule there’s a exception. In this case, if one has certain specific skills that employers need, a job may be at hand with some of the notable tech giants. Still, read with care. It’s not just about landing a job in the near-term, but building the basis for a long, satisfying career. “Apple, IBM, and Google don’t care anymore if you went to college.”
• Finally, we’ve heard a lot about 5G wireless lately. Again, don’t get too excited yet. Chris Mills at BGR explains: “This is why Apple isn’t rushing to make a 5G iPhone.” Think 2020.
[Note: Particle Debris is just one page this week.]
Particle Debris is a generally a mix of John Martellaro’s observations and opinions about a standout event or article of the week (preamble on page one) followed on page two by a discussion of articles that didn’t make the TMO headlines, the technical news debris. The column is published most every Friday except for holiday weeks.
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