In Mobile Payment Security and Privacy, Apple Pay Blows Away Competition

Mobile payment apps are proliferating, so, it makes sense to ask how safe and secure they are. Consumer Reports looked into it. On one hand, Apple Pay was declared the best by Consumer Reports. On the other hand, this next article, which places a broad analysis wrapper around the discussion, says “questions [have been raised] about the lack of buyer protection for Zelle users who get tricked by scammers.” See also: “90 million Americans use mobile pay apps — but are they safe?

 it makes sense to ask how safe and secure they are In Mobile Payment Security and Privacy, Apple Pay Blows Away Competition

Apple Pay Imitators

The problem, it seems to me, is that our mobile apps are so designed as to completely obscure the goings on in the background. The mobile app’s user interface has remained cute and appealing over the years, but the speed of the device’s processor and internet connection have invited developers to fold in all manner of chicanery, invading privacy and stealing data we never dreamed they’d take in secret. iOS does a good job of preventing that.

in addition, we have no visibility into the security practices used. Our analysis of the app is more about simplicity of use and wish fulfillment. That is, we hope best practices are used, in spite of our suspicion that developer agenda will always overrule our own best, traditional interests.

It’s hard to tell these mobile payment services apart at face value. That’s why extra care and research is required. The analysis Consumer Reports did helps.

Next Page: The News Debris for the week of July 13th. Internet under siege.

Page 2 – News Debris For The Week of July 13th

The Internet is Under Siege

The internet has gone through several phases. In the early days, it was more about getting connectivity and defining operations in this new communications system. Nowadays, it seems to be the target of government control for gain.

 it makes sense to ask how safe and secure they are In Mobile Payment Security and Privacy, Apple Pay Blows Away Competition

In the U.S., the issues are cybersecurity and net neutrality, or lack thereof, for the benefit of business. Often, we don’t do a very good job of even handling our own technical issues. “Ted Cruz Reduces the Net Neutrality Debate to One Blindingly Bad Question.” But we should also be aware that other countries have different agendas, ones that may be carried out with more organization, intelligence and shrewd calculation than our own divisive Washington politics can muster.

It requires special insight into another nation’s culture and politics to write about them and their government’s handling of the internet. It seems to me that Adam Segal at Foreign Affairs has that. His analysis is long but very interesting and informative. And scary. “When China Rules the Web (Technology in Service of the State).

We can learn a lot from this investigation of how China sees the internet’s role.

More Debris

• We want batteries in our mobile devices. Better technology is frequently discussed in research articles, but it has to be commercially viable. Perhaps this time, we’re getting somewhere: “While the Solid State Battery is Five Years out, when it arrives it’ll Rock the Automotive, Wearable & Portable Device Markets.

• Apple has fallen to 6th place in worldwide shipments of notebook computers.

TrendForce has the numbers. This should turn around soon because it looks like Apple is on the verge of shipping new notebooks next month. We’re still not sure of the details.  But pent up demand should improve Apple’s ranking. And our own spirits.

 it makes sense to ask how safe and secure they are In Mobile Payment Security and Privacy, Apple Pay Blows Away Competition

Apple to refresh MacBook in September?


• New computer languages continue to emerge. In this case, it’s one designed for speed, data analysis and machine learning. For those of you who’ve been using R and Python, here’s a glimpse of a new language called Julia from one of my favorite websites, Quartz . “Should data scientists using R and Python switch over to Julia?” It’s something to be aware of as the language evolves and matures.

• There was a time when PCs and Windows reigned supreme and Microsoft under Steve Ballmer was obsessed with making sure we all ran our apps only on Windows. That’s changed of course under CEO Satya Nadella, leading to this fascinating analysis. “The year Windows died at home and nobody cared.

• You knew I wouldn’t let a week go by without a reference to artificial intelligence. Here’s the pick of the week. “Children ‘at risk of robot influence’.” Here’s the intro sentence: “Forget peer pressure, future generations are more likely to be influenced by robots, a study suggests.”

Adult technologists, like kids, know what’s bad for us. It’s going to happen anyway.

Particle Debris is a generally a mix of John Martellaro’s observations and opinions about a standout event or article of the week (preamble on page one) followed on page two by a discussion of articles that didn’t make the TMO headlines, the technical news debris. The column is published most every Friday except for holiday weeks.

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