A Walkthrough of Podcasts in iOS 11

Podcasts in iOS 11 has given a minor makeover. This revision includes some improvements, some apparent steps backward, and an interface in line with the new iTunes app and Music player in the mobile operating system.

 This revision includes some improvements A Walkthrough of Podcasts in iOS 11

Podcasts in iOS 11 takes a pretty big hit in some ways, making me wonder if Apple is asleep at the wheel when it comes to the form of media the tech giant arguably introduced us to

The Major Differences in Podcasts in iOS 11

The app for podcasts in iOS 11, aptly named “Podcasts,” is keeping in line with an interface similar to Apple Music. Cupertino has removed one very useful feature, though, and that’s a real shame. When an episode ends, the Podcasts app no longer begins playing the next one automatically. Instead, you have to build your own playlist by long- or 3D Touch-pressing an episode and then choosing “Play Next” or “Play Later.” This makes binging on podcast episodes a bit more challenging in iOS 11.

The location for adding a Podcast in iOS 11 by web page address has also been further obscured. To get to it, you’ll have to go to your Library, tap on Edit, and then find the button to add by URL.

Let’s walk through the new Podcasts app, so you know what to expect when iOS 11 releases in the coming days.


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