OS X: Renaming a Bluetooth Device

Need to rename a connected Bluetooth device on your Mac? Easy as pie, especially if you’ve got the Bluetooth icon in your menu bar! If you do, click it and choose “Open Bluetooth Preferences” to start this process.

Need to rename a connected Bluetooth device on your Mac OS X: Renaming a Bluetooth Device

If you don’t see that icon, though, just visit System Preferences > Bluetooth. Almost as easy.

Need to rename a connected Bluetooth device on your Mac OS X: Renaming a Bluetooth Device

No matter which path you take, you’ll see your paired devices within that pane. There used to be a gear icon here from which you could change the names, but now, you’ll right- or Control-click on the one in question and pick “Rename” from the contextual menu.

Need to rename a connected Bluetooth device on your Mac OS X: Renaming a Bluetooth Device

Then you’ll be asked for the new name you want. Type it in, click “Rename,” and you’re done!

Need to rename a connected Bluetooth device on your Mac OS X: Renaming a Bluetooth Device

Best pun ever, right guys? Guys?

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