Apple’s security chief will talk iOS and macOS security at 2019 Black Hat conference

Apple is sending its Head of Security Engineering as well as Architecture Apple’s safety principal volition speak iOS as well as macOS safety at 2019 Black Hat conference

Apple is sending its Head of Security Engineering as well as Architecture, Ivan Krstić, to this year’s Black Hat safety conference, inward which he volition hash out macOS as well as iOS security.

Krstić’s speak is entitled “Behind the scenes of iOS as well as Mac security” (via AppleInsider), as well as it volition live on going over around of the biggest elements of Apple’s safety efforts for the mobile as well as desktop operating systems. This year’s annual conference volition accept house betwixt August iii as well as August 8 at the Mandalay Bay resort inward Las Vegas, Nevada.

The final fourth dimension Krstić attended a Black Hat conference on Apple’s behalf was dorsum inward 2016, where he discussed novel features baked into iOS 10.

Krstić’s speak starts at 12:10pm on Thursday, August 8, as well as volition run until 1:00pm.

Here’s what the official landing page for the speak has to say:

Code integrity enforcement has long been a critical constituent of the iOS safety architecture. Starting alongside iPhone 7, nosotros began to fortify core pieces of this safety machinery alongside novel features built take away into Apple silicon. We volition delve into the history of code as well as retentivity integrity technologies inward the iOS nitty-gritty as well as userland, culminating inward Pointer Authentication Codes (PAC) inward the Apple A12 Bionic as well as S4 chips. PAC prohibits alteration of utilization pointers, provide addresses as well as for sure data, preventing traditional exploitation of retentivity corruption bugs. We volition accept a unopen await at how PAC is implemented, including improvements inward iOS 13. We volition likewise hash out previously-undisclosed VM permission as well as page protection technologies that are constituent of our overall iOS code integrity architecture.

The T2 Security Chip brought powerful secure kick capabilities to the Mac. Comprehensively securing the kick procedure required protections against sophisticated take away retentivity access (DMA) attacks at every point, fifty-fifty inward the presence of arbitrary Option ROM firmware. We volition walk through the kick sequence of a Mac alongside the T2 Security Chip as well as explicate cardinal attacks as well as defenses at each step, including 2 industry-first firmware safety technologies that cause got non been publicly discussed before.

The Find My characteristic inward iOS xiii as well as macOS Catalina enables users to have aid from other nearby Apple devices inward finding their lost Macs, piece rigorously protecting the privacy of all participants. We volition hash out our efficient elliptic fold cardinal diversification organisation that derives curt non-linkable world keys from a user’s keypair, as well as allows users to uncovering their offline devices without divulging sensitive information to Apple.

How of import are the safety features Apple has lay inward house for iOS as well as macOS to you?

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