Jailbreak tweaks of the week: AppCrumb, Centaur, Maple, Pagebar, and more

re undoubtedly looking for novel ways to play tricks out your liberated iPhone or iPad Jailbreak tweaks of the week: AppCrumb, Centaur, Maple, Pagebar, together with more

Whether you’re jailbroken past times agency of Chimera, Electra, or unc0ver, you’re undoubtedly looking for novel ways to play tricks out your liberated iPhone or iPad. That’s why nosotros brand these dedicated jailbreak tweak roundups – to brand finding the perfect add-ons equally slowly equally possible for you.

In this roundup, we’ll acquire over all the newest jailbreak tweak releases from Monday, May 20th to Sunday, May 26th. As usual, we’ll cause past times discussing our favorite releases first, together with and thus we’ll outline the residue afterward.

Our favorite releases this week

AppCrumb – $0.99

re undoubtedly looking for novel ways to play tricks out your liberated iPhone or iPad Jailbreak tweaks of the week: AppCrumb, Centaur, Maple, Pagebar, together with more

AppCrumb is an ingenious jailbreak tweak that replaces iOS’ native Breadcrumb links amongst something far to a greater extent than useful: windowed apps that appear over ane to a greater extent than or less other thus that you lot tin sack to a greater extent than easily switch betwixt your novel app together with the most recently-used one.

AppCrumb comes amongst gesture back upwardly for moving together with resizing the one-time app over the new, together with equally you lot mightiness come upwardly to expect, you lot tin sack easily acquire dorsum to full-screen inward your recently-used app amongst a double-tap gesture.

You tin sack learn to a greater extent than well-nigh AppCrumbs together with why it’s thus good inward our total review.

Centaur – $2.00

re undoubtedly looking for novel ways to play tricks out your liberated iPhone or iPad Jailbreak tweaks of the week: AppCrumb, Centaur, Maple, Pagebar, together with more

Centaur brings a refreshed Notification Center sense to the iOS platform, replacing the criterion notification-centric interface amongst ane that integrates pop features inward iOS, such equally toggles, Now Playing music, together with device information.

Centaur provides a collapsible notification drop-down menu, allowing you lot to come across all together with whatever missed notifications at a glance. Best of all, you lot tin sack easily enshroud that drop-down carte on demand, allowing you lot to trim down clutter when you lot desire to.

You tin sack learn to a greater extent than well-nigh Centaur, its features, together with where you lot tin sack download it inward our total review.

Maple – $2.99

re undoubtedly looking for novel ways to play tricks out your liberated iPhone or iPad Jailbreak tweaks of the week: AppCrumb, Centaur, Maple, Pagebar, together with more

Apple might’ve officially cancelled its AirPower product, but that doesn’t hateful that nosotros all can’t accept wages of the latest device-charging animations that Apple would’ve made available if AirPower launched equally expected.

Here to brand that direct identify is a jailbreak tweak called Maple, which was officially released simply this calendar week (we showed you lot a preview version non long ago). As you’ll notice inward the screenshots, this tweak displays AirPower-centric animations together with device charging statuses.

Those interested inward learning to a greater extent than well-nigh Maple together with how it plant are advised to read our total review.

Pagebar – $0.99

re undoubtedly looking for novel ways to play tricks out your liberated iPhone or iPad Jailbreak tweaks of the week: AppCrumb, Centaur, Maple, Pagebar, together with more

Pagebar is a newly-released jailbreak tweak that replaces the Home screen’s criterion page indicator amongst something a lot to a greater extent than aesthetically pleasing.

Right out of the box, Pagebar supports iv dissimilar themes, together with you lot tin sack actively conform Pagebar’s superlative together with offset equally good equally alter the Dock’s settings to acquire inward expression improve on your Home screen, specially amongst themes.

If you’re interested inward learning to a greater extent than well-nigh Pagebar together with where you lot tin sack acquire it, together with thus we recommend reading our total review.

Other releases this week

BetterPowerDown 2: Brings the classic iOS 6-style powerfulness downwardly slider to iOS seven together with subsequently (free via Packix repository)

CenteredLargeTitles: Centers all emboldened championship texts inward most of your apps inward iOS eleven together with 12 (free via level3tjg’s beta repository – review)

ChatLock: Lock conversations inward diverse messaging apps, including iMessages (free via BigBoss repository – review)

CIMB Clicks JB Detection: Bypass jailbreak detection inward the CIMB Clicks app (free via BigBoss repository)

DockRemover: Hides the Home screen’s Dock (free via Dynastic Repo repository – review)

Eveho: Makes exporting together with sharing Sileo bundle together with root lists slowly (free via Dynastic Repo repository)

HomeBarMediaProgress: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 media progress bar that occupies the native Home bar on notched handsets (free via eskimo_dev’s beta repository – review)

Mitsuha Infinity – Home Screen: The pop Mitsuha Infinity sound visualizer, right away ported to the Home cover (free via Nepeta repository – review)

Mitsuha Infinity – Lock Screen: The pop Mitsuha Infinity sound visualizer, right away ported specifically to the Lock cover (free via Nepeta repository)

Nereid: A redesigned Now Playing interface for the Lock cover (free via Nepeta repository – review)

No Quick Action Buttons: Hides the Quick Action buttons inward iOS (free via Packix repository)

ReachabilitySheer: Makes the Reachability background transparent (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)

redPasscodeBG: Makes the background of the Lock screen’s passcode entry cover reddish (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)

roundPrefs: Makes the settings tables circular inward the Settings app (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)

SiriApp: Puts an app icon on the Home cover that tin sack hold upwardly used to invoke Siri on involve (free via level3tjg’s repository – review)

SmallStatusBarX: Makes the Status Bar on your notched handset to a greater extent than similar the Status Bar on a non-notched handset (free via level3tjg’s repository – review)

T9Dialer: Brings T9 dialer back upwardly to the iPhone’s native Phone app (free via eskimo_dev’s repository – review)

That simply well-nigh wraps things upwardly for this week’s jailbreak tweak roundup, but remain tuned to iDB throughout the calendar week to remain updated regarding novel releases equally they materialize.

If you’re looking for to a greater extent than tweaks, together with thus reckon adding third-party Cydia repositories to your device to expand your compass together with check out final week’s jailbreak tweak roundup inward representative you lot might’ve missed anything. We likewise direct maintain several dedicated roundups to attention you lot disclose ways to tweak your jailbroken iOS 11 and/or 12 device below:

Those interested inward jailbreaking iOS eleven together with 12 mightiness likewise disclose the next tutorials helpful:

What was your favorite jailbreak tweak released this week? Share inward the comments department below.

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