How to save blobs for the Apple TV 4K

K has no port through which to restore or update it How to salvage blobs for the Apple TV 4K

Although the Apple TV 4K has no port through which to restore or update it, together with no available .IPSW files alongside which to produce so, it is nonetheless possible to salvage blobs for it. These OTA (over-the-air) blobs could inwards theory survive used to install unsigned firmwares at unopen to betoken inwards the future, should a futurerestore equivalent ever survive developed for restoring the Apple TV 4K over the air.

This take away is for our to a greater extent than technical readers, who ever salvage their blobs fifty-fifty when they aren’t of immediate use. There is currently no tool that tin give the sack restore the Apple TV 4K using these blobs, together with in that location may never be. However, if 1 is developed inwards the future, it volition survive also belatedly to salvage the blobs then, hence y'all may equally good convey them safe.

If y'all desire to salvage blobs for a device other than the Apple TV 4K, nosotros recommend this easier method.

How to salvage OTA blobs for the Apple TV 4K

1) Download the latest version of tsschecker, unzip it, together with house it inwards a folder called ATV 4K Blobs.

2) Find the ECID for your Apple TV 4K. If your device is jailbroken, y'all tin give the sack larn the ECID yesteryear SSHing into it together with using the command ecid to persuasion it. If you’re non jailbroken, y'all tin give the sack persuasion your Apple TV’s ECID yesteryear selecting it in Apple Configurator on your Mac, equally shown below:K has no port through which to restore or update it How to salvage blobs for the Apple TV 4KYou’ll require to convey paired your Apple TV 4K alongside your Mac to persuasion it inwards Apple Configurator.

3) Copy your ECID somewhere safe, removing the ii characters from the foremost of it:

0x0123456789ABC would move yesteryear away 0123456789ABC yesteryear removing the 0x from the start.

4) Now opened upward up a Terminal window. At the prompt, type cd, together with hence a Space, then drag together with drib your ATV 4K Blobs folder from Step onto the Terminal window. This autocompletes the ascendancy alongside the file path to your ATV 4K Blobs folder. Hit Enter to effect the command.

K has no port through which to restore or update it How to salvage blobs for the Apple TV 4K

5) Next, larn inwards the next ascendancy at the Terminal prompt, replacing the blank sections alongside your ain information:

./tsschecker -d AppleTV6,2 -e [INSERT ECID] -o -i [INSERT TVOS VERSION] -s --save-path ./ --boardconfig J105aAP --no-baseband

Replace [INSERT ECID] alongside your copied ECID from Step 3. Replace [INSERT TVOS VERSION] alongside the tvOS version y'all desire to salvage blobs for. Remember, y'all tin give the sack entirely salvage blobs for firmwares that are currently signed. Do non drive to salvage blobs for unsigned versions. Check which versions are currently signed earlier issuing the command.

Here is an event command, which would salvage blobs for tvOS 12.4 for an Apple TV 4K alongside the ECID 0x0123456789ABC. Do non drive to purpose this ascendancy unedited, y'all must purpose your ain ECID together with tvOS version:

./tsschecker -d AppleTV6,2 -e 0123456789ABC -o -i 12.4 -s --save-path ./ --boardconfig J105aAP --no-baseband

6) The blobs for your chosen tvOS version should right away download into the ATV 4K Blobs folder. Let the procedure destination inwards Terminal, equally in that location may survive multiple blobs for each firmware version (it saves blobs for whatever signed beta versions too).

If y'all larn an fault similar this:

[TSSC] fault parsing cached ota.json. Trying to redownload ... [TSSC] parsing ota.json failed.


Try running the Terminal ascendancy again, simply alongside --nocache added to the end. If it nonetheless doesn’t work, download the ota.json file manually from this link, together with hence glue it into your Mac’s /tmp folder, replacing whatever older version. Once it is there, run the Terminal ascendancy 1 to a greater extent than time, without the --nocache flag.

7) You’ll require to re-run the ascendancy 1 time for each unlike signed tvOS version y'all desire to salvage blobs for. For example, if I desire to salvage all possible blobs, together with I meet that tvOS 12.2, 12.3, together with 12.4 beta are all currently signed, I’d require to run the Terminal ascendancy 3 times, using 12.2, 12.3, together with 12.4 equally the -i flag inwards the command.

K has no port through which to restore or update it How to salvage blobs for the Apple TV 4K

That’s all in that location is to it! Keep your saved blobs somewhere safe, together with recall to come upward dorsum periodically to run the ascendancy again. Each fourth dimension a novel tvOS version comes out you’ll require to effect the ascendancy anew, to salvage blobs for the novel firmware. With luck, 1 twenty-four threescore minutes menstruum a tool volition come upward out for futurerestoring the Apple TV 4K over the air, together with and hence your blobs volition allow y'all to restore to an unsigned together with jailbreakable firmware.

Save blobs for your other Apple devices too! Use our simpler guide for non-ATV 4K devices.

Let me know if you’re having difficulties alongside the take away together with I’ll drive to aid y'all out. Whilst this method won’t survive of purpose to all users due to its niche target together with the electrical flow inutility of ATV 4K blobs, hardcore jailbreakers may want to convey them saved hence they’re non caught out yesteryear whatever futurity tool.

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