Why Apple Never Even Dreamed of Buying Netflix

The launching point for this week’s Particle Debris is a fascinating article at Vanity Fair. (The Netflix part comes soon.)

Apple TV Is Just A Hobby”: How An Argument With Steve Jobs Explains The Future Of Apple

s Particle Debris is a fascinating article at  Why Apple Never Even Dreamed of Buying Netflix
Steve Jobs

The article starts with a fascinating story about the author’s encounter with Steve Jobs.

“In 2007, you unveiled the Apple TV, and while you were sitting on stage, you described Apple’s core businesses as a three-legged stool,” I said to Jobs. “You said you hoped Apple TV would be the fourth leg of that stool. Yet, three years later, Apple TV sales are paltry. Did you get it wrong?” Jobs dismissively denied—in front of the top editors at the paper—that he had ever said that. I began to push back, but Jobs interrupted me. “Nick, I did not say that.” He was emphatic.

But Steve Jobs did say that. It just goes to show how the mind of some leaders works. That part is worth the read.

But then author Bilton makes a major mistake. He writes:

If you’re Apple, with $250 billion in the bank, and you’re really truly trying to go after this space, why not spend ten times that on content? Why not buy Netflix? Why stick your toe in the water when you could jump in and make the biggest fucking splash imaginable?

s Particle Debris is a fascinating article at  Why Apple Never Even Dreamed of Buying Netflix
Not really.

It’s almost as if he didn’t even watch the Apple event. I say that because Apple thoroughly explained its entire Apple TV+ content strategy for all the world to see.

  1. Inspiration
  2. Quality
  3. Great story telling
  4. Stories that can change the world
  5. Respect for diversity, inclusion

While some content at Netflix can claim some of those factors, it’s not a pervasive theme at Netflix. At Apple, it will be. For Apple to buy Netflix would be like Nordstroms buying K-Mart. It’s just not the corporate brand.

So let’s drop the “Apple coulda bought Netflix” mantra and start to embrace what Apple is trying to achieve. Making the world a better place.

More Debris

• A big name company who should have the sense to remain trustworthy has gone astray. “FTC fines Office Depot $25 million for bogus virus scans.” As brick-and-mortar outfits become more and more distressed, the temptation of some incremental revenue will be hard to resist. Watch that space.

s Particle Debris is a fascinating article at  Why Apple Never Even Dreamed of Buying Netflix
Apple Card

• Meanwhile, Apple always seems to figure out ways to make money by delighting us and simultaneously protecting us. Ben Lovejoy at 9to5Mac writes: “How Apple will make money from the Apple Card – and the ways it will save money.

• Artificial Intelligence brings forth all kinds of ethical questions. Here’s a glimpse into a recent summit. “Ethical question takes center stage at Silicon Valley summit on artificial intelligence.

• Now that Apple is working to get Apple TV+ on as many platforms as possible, starting with Roku and Amazon Fire TV, is the Apple TV hardware dead? Some have expressed this view, but that’s likely wrong. The very experienced David Katzmaier explores: “Will Apple’s TV app on Roku, Fire TV and Samsung kill the Apple TV box?” The subtitle provides a hint. “Or just make it stronger?”

s Particle Debris is a fascinating article at  Why Apple Never Even Dreamed of Buying Netflix
Just getting stronger.

For more color on this, see: “Apple TV isn’t dying, it’s more vital then ever.”

For one thing, the Apple TV 4K is more powerful than any other streaming box on the market, and while that might not seem to matter much, it does allow for some neat features you won’t find on Roku players or Fire TV Sticks. … And alongside Amazon’s Fire TV 4K, it’s one of the only devices to support both Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos surround sound.

• The original AirPods have a W1 chip. The new AirPods 2 have an H1 chip. What’s the difference? At iMore , Joseph Keller explains. “What’s the difference between Apple’s W1 chip and H1 chip?

• Finally, for some comic relief, we end with this. “Two-thirds of all Android antivirus apps are frauds.” Aren’t you glad you live in the Apple universe?


Particle Debris is a generally a mix of John Martellaro’s observations and opinions about a standout event or article(s) of the week followed by a discussion of articles that didn’t make the TMO headlines, the technical news debris. The column is published most every Friday except for holiday weeks.

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