SmartLight lets you toggle the iPhone’s flashlight with hardware buttons

ll hold upwards the commencement to acknowledge that Apple could in addition to SmartLight lets y'all toggle the iPhone’s flashlight amongst hardware buttons

I job my iPhone’s rear-facing LED flash equally a flashlight all
the fourth dimension for diverse tasks, but I’ll hold upwards the commencement to acknowledge that Apple could and
should come upwards up amongst a to a greater extent than intuitive trend of toggling it on or off. In some
cases, using a software push clitoris to toggle the flashlight simply isn’t expert enough,
such equally when y'all convey moisture or muddied hands.

Here to the rescue is a novel costless jailbreak tweak called SmartLight past times iOS developer smokin1337, which spearheads a solution to these kinds of scenarios past times letting users toggle the rear-facing flashlight on or off amongst the device’s hardware buttons instead.

Once installed, the tweak provides 3 principal functions:

  • Toggle the rear-facing flashlight on or off past times pressing the Volume Down + Power buttons
  • Increase the flashlight brightness past times pressing the Volume Up push clitoris piece activated
  • Decrease the flashlight brightness past times pressing the Volume Down push clitoris piece activated

I’m a huge fan of how the tweak is implemented because it doesn’t interfere amongst other button-related gestures throughout the operating system, such equally adjusting the book in addition to using the book buttons equally camera shutter buttons. Furthermore, the tweak offers a seemingly ideal solution for situations where my hands mightiness hold upwards moisture or muddied in addition to I demand a low-cal source, such equally when working nether the hood of my car.

SmartLight is intended to hold upwards an easy-to-use tweak that just
works, in addition to for that reason, it doesn’t come upwards amongst whatever options to configure. Once
you’ve installed it, y'all tin laid out using it immediately; if y'all don’t similar the
tweak for whatever reason, in addition to thus you’ll demand to uninstall it to disable it.

SmartLight isn’t existence hosted inwards whatever of Cydia’s default repositories, in addition to we’re non certain if it e'er volition be. Instead, the tweak is available for costless inwards the iDeviceHacked repository. To add together it in addition to download the tweak, you’ll demand to follow these steps:

1) Launch the Cydia app in addition to become to the Sources tab.

2) Tap on the Edit push clitoris in addition to and thus tap on the Add button.

3) In the text plain of the pop-up that appears, type inwards the next repository URL:

4) Tap on the Add Source push clitoris in addition to expression for the repository to charge into Cydia.

5) Now y'all should hold upwards able to search for in addition to install SmartLight from Cydia.

SmartLight plant amongst all jailbroken iOS eleven in addition to 12 devices in addition to comes amongst our recommendation. Will y'all hold upwards trying it out? Let us know inwards the comments department below.

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