Ajit Pai Calls Renewed Net Neutrality Efforts a Political Strategy
In a visit to New Jersey, FCC chairman Ajit Pai called Democrats’ net neutrality efforts a “political strategy.” (via Technical.ly).
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Political Strategies
In 2017 Mr. Pai made promises that if America moved back to fewer regulations we would see big boosts in network investment, new jobs, and a “better, cheaper internet” for all.

Most people, I think, accurately view it as more of a political strategy, as opposed to solv[ing] a concrete problem. I don’t blame them — that’s what politicians in Washington do — but I am focused on what I think American consumers’ primary concern is: getting better, cheaper internet access, and that’s what the FCC’s been focused on so far.
So far, those promises have been empty. We haven’t seen new jobs or cheaper internet access. In fact, in some areas internet prices have risen.
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