Qualcomm had 4 Lawsuits Against Apple Dismissed by German Court

LONDON – Qualcomm had four of its patent lawsuits against Apple dismissed by a German court Thursday. It marked Apple’s second legal victory against the chip maker this month.

 Qualcomm had four of its patent lawsuits against Apple dismissed by a German court Thursd Qualcomm had 4 Lawsuits Against Apple Dismissed by German Court

Apple Not in Violation of Search Patents

At the center of this case are patents concerning the iPhone’s search capabilities. Four other- search related patents remain undecided on by the court in Munich, Germany.

Qualcomm’s General Counsel, Don Rosenberg, said his firm disagreed with the courts ruling (via Wall Street Journal). In a statement, Apple said: “We thank the court for their time and diligence in this case.”

Global Legal Battle

Thursday ruling was just the latest battle in a global legal war between the two firms. Earlier this month, a German court ruled that a Qualcomm lawsuit that claimed Apple infringed patents relating to power management technology was groundless.

In December 2018, a court in China ruled that Apple was in violation of Qualcomm patents and imposed a ban on sales and imports of certain iPhone models. Apple issued an iOS update which it said resolved the issue, something Qualcomm disagreed with.

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