Protonmail Launches GDPR Site to Help Businesses
Protonmail is launching a GDPR site to help businesses achieve GDPR compliance. It’s at and features practical, easy-to-understand information.
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The website is a complete guide to GDPR compliance. It features news about the regulation, a GDPR checklist, and the full text of the regulation. There are guides on specific topics like the right to be forgotten, data protection officers, and how GDPR fines are determined.
Going forward, we will continue to update the site with more guides, as well as news and analysis as EU regulators begin to interpret and enforce the law. We will also conduct original research to make sure we’re answering questions about the GDPR that you actually want answered, while gaining deeper insight into GDPR compliance.
[Seven Countries Accuse Google of GDPR Violations]
Featured image by Christopher Burns on Unsplash
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