5 Fitness Apps to Help you Keep that New Year’s Resolution
The dawning of a new year often brings with it the promise of a new fitness regime…and this time you’re going to stick to it, right? Most new year’s resolutions get broken by the end of January. However, there are some fitness apps out there that may just help you keep yours.
Strava is a personal favorite of mine. I use it to track my cycling. However, it can track a very wide range of activities, including running, swimming, and rowing, as well as winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. You can also share your workouts with friends and family or on social media.
Strava – iOS, watchOS (Free, with in-app purchases)
If you want to get running in 2019, but starting out seems daunting, the couch to 5k programme is a great way to go. There is an official C25K app and lots of other variations of the same programme. They all take you from not being sat on the sofa to running for half-an-hour without stopping. The official app has a programme of 30-minute sessions, 3 days a week, for 8 weeks.
C25K 5K Trainer – iOS. (Free, with in-app purchases)
Runtastic is similar to Strava. It monitors your run and records a variety of fitness-related data such as distance, time, speed, elevation, calories burned. You can also track cycling via Runtastic and share your times. It is compatible with other fitness, music, GPS apps.
Runtastic – iOS, wachOS (Free, with in-app purchases)
This weight-loss focussed app describes itself as “hilariously snarky”, so be prepared! It features a touch 7-minutes-in-hell workout and 12 other exercises, which are available to purchase. Its sadistic, bullying, funny…and it might just work.
CarrotFit – iOS, wachOS (Free, with in-app purchases)
Daily Yoga
If you need something more zen, Daily Yoga is the app for you. It provides a variety of yoga sessions that workout and tone different parts of your body, and increase fitness. In total, it has over 200 guided yoga, pilates, and meditation, classes, as well as over 50 workout plans, covering all ability levels.
Daily Yoga – iOS, wachOS (Free, with in-app purchases)
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