Super Micro Audit Finds No Evidence of Spy Chips
An independent Super Micro audit has found no evidence of Chinese spy chips. It commissioned the audit back in October after allegations were made (via Reuters).
[Bloomberg Spy Chip Piece Doesn’t Pass Peer Review]
Super Micro Audit
The audit was done by legal firm Nardello & Co, and Super Micro customers can ask for more details on its findings. Nardello had tested samples of motherboards in current production, as well as models sold to Apple, Amazon, and others named in Bloomberg‘s article. Super Micro CEO also sent a letter to customers.
Software and design files for the motherboards were also examined, and no unauthorized components or signals were found. This matches the denials from Apple, as well as U.S. and U.K. officials. Super Micro is now reviewing its legal options against Bloomberg, which not only has not retracted its story, but is doing some further internal investigation.
[Bloomberg Not Giving Up on Hardware Hack Story]
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