LG Reportedly Producing OLED Panels for iPhone

Reports are surfacing that LG has begun producing 400,000 OLED panels for Apple.  It is likely these displays will be used the company’s OLED iPhone XS product line. The first batch could arrive as early as mid-December.

Reports are surfacing that LG has begun producing  LG Reportedly Producing OLED Panels for iPhone

Apple’s iPhone XS lineup

Industry sources speaking to ETNews said that parts had been received at the LG site in Paju, South Korea. The firm will reportedly now start to develop the panels for Apple.

What we don’t know

As ever with these kinds of stories, it is important to emphasise what we don’t yet know and how dubious reports on the Apple supply chain have been in the past.

The details of the deal between Apple and LG are not public. According to Apple Insider: “Industry observers estimate there to be approximately 400,000 panels in the order. At an estimated price of 100,000 won ($89.29) per OLED panel, the total order is expected to be worth around 40 billion won ($35.7 million) to LG.”

It is also not known what size the panels will be. Apple could use each panel to make multiple displays.

Old rumours and relationships


There were rumours back in September that LG would provide the OLED displays for new iPhone’s although that has not yet come to pass. LG  does though already supplies the OLED panels for the Apple Watch, so it is not inconceivable that this deal could have been extended to cover panels for iPhones.

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