Apple Granted a Smart Clothing Patent Today

Apple was granted 40 patents today, which cover stretchable displays, smart clothing, gaze controls, and a whole lot more (via Patently Apple).

[Patent Holding Company SMTM Sues Apple Over Do Not Disturb While Driving Feature]

Apple Smart Clothing

It could be smart clothing, but also smart furniture, smart vehicle seating, etc. Combined with the stretchable displays and we could have a wide range of interesting products.

Patent Holding Company SMTM Sues Apple Over Do Not Disturb While Driving Feature Apple Granted a Smart Clothing Patent Today

Another patent involves gaze controls. One or more gaze detection sensors can figure out if a person is looking at the device, and presumably where on the screen. My thoughts automatically jumped to the rumored Apple Glasses, but they could also be used in other devices.

Check out Patently Apple‘s article for the full list.


[An Apple Patent Hints at an Apple TV Gaming System]

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