macOS: Use Command + Tab To Switch Mac Apps Faster

Mac Geek Gab listener David has a tip for us, and it involves using Command + Tab to switch Mac apps. But he uses it in a different way.

[How to Use the iOS 11 iPhone App Switcher]

Switch Mac Apps Faster

David writes,

I use Command-Tab all the time to switch between open applications. All the time! But as handy as that feature is compared to reaching for the mouse or trackpad, I’ve been frustrated at times when I have too many programs open to quickly switch to the one I want.

Then I guess one day I must have been going too fast for my own good and didn’t even let go of the mouse while I was Command-Tab switching, and I saw the highlighted app icon go the wrong way altogether. I didn’t realize what I’d done until I repeated it by mistake again some other time.

But that is my Tip: While still holding down the Command key, whether you’ve hit Tab once or a dozen times, moving the mouse will let you dynamically highlight ANY of the app icons filling the screen! All you have to do is get to the right one and release Command.

Tab all the time to switch between open applications macOS: Use Command + Tab To Switch Mac Apps Faster

So that’s it. When you use this keyboard shortcut, you can still use your trackpad or mouse to click on any app you’d like.

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