3 GOP Senators Join Dems to Pass Legislation Preserve Net Neutrality

Three Republican senators joined their Democratic colleagues to pass a measure that would preserve Net Neutrality in the United Sates. The final vote was 52-47, as Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine), John Kennedy (R-Louisiana), and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) all crossed party lines to vote for the bill. It must still be voted on in the House of Representatives, however, and signed into law by President Trump.

Three Republican senators joined their Democratic colleagues to pass a measure that would  3 GOP Senators Join Dems to Pass Legislation Preserve Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality, the writing’s on the wall

Do Not Pass Go

In other words, despite passing the Senate, it’s not likely to go anywhere before FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s rules change that gut Net Neutrality protections and give ISPs the power to decide what data you get, and how fast you get it, regardless of what data you requested. In the House, at least 20 Republicans would have to vote for the legislation, which is possible, but not considered likely. And that’s only if every Democrat in the House supports it, too, another issue that is uncertain.

President Donald Trump hasn’t made many substantive comments/tweets on Net Neutrality, but Wired noted a 2014 tweet where he called Net Neutrality a government power grab that would target conservative media. In 2017 he also made comments supporting FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s attack on Net Neutrality, all of which means Wednesday’s Senate victory is likely to come to naught.


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