How to Manage Slack Notifications on macOS and iOS

Slack is a popular communication tool for teams. But when you’re using it a lot, sometimes the notifications can get out of hand, especially if you’re in multiple channels with plenty of chatter. Here’s how to manage Slack notifications on iOS and macOS.


You can control the type of desktop notifications you receive:

  • All new messages

  • Direct messages, mentions, keywords

  • Replies to message threads you follow

  • Nothing

 is a popular communication tool for teams How to Manage Slack Notifications on macOS and iOS

If you choose to turn all notifications off, you’ll get an icon badge instead. To manage Slack notifications:

  1. Click your workspace name on the top left, or click the bell icon.

  2. Choose Preferences from the menu.

  3. Click Notifications.

  4. Under Notify me about…, you can choose which activity you get notifications for.

You can also set up Do Not Disturb mode, although team members can choose to override this.


To choose whether you want to make notifications audible or mute them.

  1. Click your workspace name on the top left.

  2. Click Notifications.

  3. Under Sounds & Appearance, pick how notifications look, sound, and behave.


If you’re actively working in the Slack app on macOS, iOS notifications stay silent. Notification options to choose from include:

  • All new messages

  • Direct messages, mentions, keywords

  • Replies to message threads you follow

  • Nothing

 is a popular communication tool for teams How to Manage Slack Notifications on macOS and iOS

To manage Slack notifications on iOS:

  1. Swipe left to open the sidebar, or tap the three vertical dots on the upper right.

  2. Tap Settings.

  3. Tap Notifications.

Like macOS, you can snooze notifications on the iOS app, as well as set up a Do Not Disturb schedule.


You can change the sound of then notifications by going to:


  1. Swipe left to open the sidebar.

  2. Tap Settings.

  3. Tap Notifications.

  4. Tap Sound and choose your selection.


In addition to iOS and macOS notifications, you can choose to get notifications by email. You can do this on the desktop app:

 is a popular communication tool for teams How to Manage Slack Notifications on macOS and iOS

  1. Click your workspace name on the top left, or click the bell icon.

  2. Choose Preferences from the menu.

  3. Click Notifications.

  4. Under When I’m not active on desktop, check or uncheck Send me email notifications.

  5. Click change to choose how often you receive them.

You can choose once every 15 minutes, or once an hour.

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