PSA: Amazon Ends Music Uploads for Amazon Music Storage Plans
Amazon announced this week that, “Amazon Music Storage subscription plans (free and paid) are being retired.” The company said it had already ended the ability to upload your own songs to the free version of Amazon cloud storage service, and that the ability to hear songs already uploaded would end in January of 2019.
Members who pay for the service (the 250,000 song plan) can continue to upload and listen to songs, but the last day you can sign up will be January 15th, 2018. It will then end a year later. If your plans ends after January 15th, you won’t have the option to renew.
These changes don’t affect music purchased from Amazon.
Amazon Music Storage Subscriptions Ending
As of December 18, 2017, the ability to upload music will be removed from the Amazon Music for PC/Mac app.
Music that is already uploaded can be played and downloaded until January 2019.
Furthermore, while users whose paid plan expires can listen via the free option, any songs over the free 250 song limit will be deleted and inaccessible.
Amazon announced the plan on its site, as noted by Slashgear.
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