Favorite Mac Apps from 2017

Just because there’s so much focus on the iPhone and iPad doesn’t mean the Mac didn’t get any cool app releases in 2017. Check out TMO’s list with a few of our favorites.


Setapp came on the scene this year with an interesting take on the subscription software model: give uses cafeteria-style app choices for a single monthly fee. Think if it like Netflix, but for Mac apps. You can download as many apps as you like from their library and they continue to work as long as you keep your monthly subscription. The list of available apps is growing all the time and includes titles such as Ulysses, iMazing, iStat Menus, and more. Setapp costs US$9.99 a month.

s so much focus on the iPhone and iPad doesn Favorite Mac Apps from 2017

Pixelmator Pro

Pixelmator was already a powerhouse image editor, and this fall’s Pixelmator Pro launch kicked that up another level. The app includes fully non-destructive edits, dynamic paint blending, macOS High Sierra Metal 2 support, and uses artificial intelligence to make better selections and automatically recognize objects in your images. Pixelmator Pro costs $59.99 on the Mac App Store.

s so much focus on the iPhone and iPad doesn Favorite Mac Apps from 2017


Apple’s Contacts app is fine, but it isn’t the most efficient or convenient tool for dealing with all the people you’re keeping track of. Cardhop from Flexibits aims to fix that by doing for your contacts what Fantastical does for your schedule. You can access any contact from the Mac’s menu bar, and and edit contacts with natural language commands, and even dial your iPhone from the app. Cardhop is priced at $14.99 on the Mac App Store.

s so much focus on the iPhone and iPad doesn Favorite Mac Apps from 2017

Scrivener 3


If you spend any time writing fiction, screenplays, or research papers there’s a good chance you’re familiar with Scrivener. Version 3 rolled out this year with an improved interface, new code under the hood, 64-bit support, and an overall better user experience. Scrivener 3 costs $45, or $38.23 for an educational license.

s so much focus on the iPhone and iPad doesn Favorite Mac Apps from 2017

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