About The New York Times Saying Apple Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Is ‘Years Off’

The New York Times has an interesting piece on Apple Watch highlighting medical uses for the device. One tidbit included in the article is that Apple continues to work on noninvasive glucose monitoring, followed by a comment that it was years off. Don’t make too much of that one way or another, however, because the “years off” comment was attributed to unnamed industry experts, not an internal Apple source.

 on Apple Watch highlighting medical uses for the device About The New York Times Saying Apple Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Is ‘Years Off’

Apple wants to do away with this sort of thing

Here’s the quote:

Separately, Apple is continuing research on a noninvasive continuous glucose reader, according to two people with knowledge of the project. The technology is still considered to be years away, industry experts said.

Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring

Mind you, those experts could well be right—they are experts, after all. But, industry experts don’t know what’s happening inside of Apple. If they did, this story would be about a leak, not expert opinion.

So, take it with a grain of salt. The reality is that lots of money has been spent on noninvasive glucose monitoring by a lot of companies and universities for a long time. Apple might be close to a solution, or not, but we know that Apple is working hard on the problem.


And I, who happens to be an expert on Apple, knows the company can do things experts say it can’t.

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