If You Think iPhone X Animojis Are Silly, Think Again
It can be hard to get iPhone X customers excited about technical specifications, OLED displays and the optics of Face ID, so Apple doesn’t go there.
Instead, Apple focuses on the visual aspects of the iPhone X. After all, it’s a handheld portal to the world, even the universe with the right astronomy apps.
This is not a new thing, but it does bear on the emergence of animojis, indeed Animoji Karaoke. Here’s the thing. In the past, computers were hard pressed to do the things we wanted them to do. Our early PCs, indeed their predecessors on which many worked, were used for computation at best and primitive games, as an aside, by dreamers.
Today, with a iPhone X, Apple touts:
Introducing A11 Bionic. The most powerful and smartest chip ever in a smartphone, with a neural engine that’s capable of up to 600 billion operations per second.
The dreams have arrived.
With that kind of power and the needs of modern iPhone users to communicate (and be entertained) in a very visual way, the way to sell this iPhone X is to focus on the visual aspects. The computational power drifts into the background. The number crunching power of an iPhone X is merely a means to an end. That’s an important aspect to remember by those who are skeptical.
Marketing Drivers
That proper way of thinking about the iPhone X leads to marketing ads like this:
The story tellers in this video are walking us through the visual experience. Watching a 4K video. Combining Face ID and Apple Pay. Shooting slo-mo videos. A video like this shows us, in an orchestrated visual way, how we can use this iPhone to enhance our lives and enjoy the iPhone’s capabilities.
Animojis play a role in this. The technology itself may be a fad (or not), but it lays the foundation for more to come. That’s why getting on board with emerging technologies is so important. One grows with technology, even if it seems silly at first, or gets left forever behind.
On a recent TMO Daily Observations Podcast, I was asked what I thought of animojis. Off the cuff, I responded something like this.
Animojis are cool. But they may be just a fad. Animojis on an iPhone X capable of 600 billion operations per second, are like a rich guy who buys a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, brings it into port, and sets up tennis courts on the flight deck. The tennis players have a lot of fun, and the view is great, but the carrier is capable of so much more.
That’s true from the perspective of a scientist or engineer who may want to use the power of the iPhone for other, more technical activities. But the truth is, Apple builds a wide variety of computational equipment, and some is more suited to the computational professional than others.
But when it comes to getting the prospective iPhone X customer excited about the product, all those technical specifications mean nothing. Customers want to know how they’ll better enjoy and benefit from their iPhone lives with this new product. That’s what the marketing is all about, and that’s what the evolution of technology is all about.
Apple understands that in spades. And so no matter what you plan to do with your own iPhone X, Apple is going to celebrate the highest level of technical abstraction, the visual power and impact of this world-portal device.
It shouldn’t be any other way.
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