Developers: Get Ready for iTunes Connect Down Time on April 22
Apple has scheduled iTunes Connect down time starting at 7AM pacific time on April 22nd that could last up to eight hours. That means anything developers need to do in iTunes Connect and related services need to be handled before the morning of the 22nd.

Apple’s iTunes Connect will be down for maintenance on April 22nd
In a note to registered Apple Developer Program members Apple said the following services will be offline during the scheduled window:
- App build upload in Xcode
- Application Loader and altool
- iTunes Connect
- iTunes Connect Mobile
- iTunes Producer
- Transporter
Apple says developers can’t submit new content, or make changes to existing content during while the services are down for maintenance. Since Apple is alerting everyone a little over a week in advance, and scheduling the down time for a Saturday, developers should have enough time to plan around the maintenance window.
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