Breaking News: Google Home Users Upset when Google Does Google

Hey, are you a proud owner of Google Home who got all pissy when you found an ad inserted your morning summary? Well, suck it up, buttercup. You’ve got no one to blame but yourself.

 are you a proud owner of Google Home who got all pissy when you found an ad inserted your Breaking News: Google Home Users Upset when Google Does Google

Google Home, Now with More Ads!™

I mean, for real. You pay for a device from a company whose very business model is to plunder your life for data it can then sell to advertisers. And that device listens to everything you say, 24/7, 365. And you get pissy when it spews an ad at you?

What on earth did you think you were buying? Google Home is either a surveillance device or an ad delivery vehicle. Period. Wait, I’m sorry, it turns out it’s both.

And now you’re upset about it?

Outrageous Behavior

Rants on Twitter sprouted like mushrooms after a rainshower. Engadget opined. The Verge covered. Redditors complained.

Me? I’m not having it. Google’s business model is corporate surveillance leveraged into ads. All of its “free” services and other products are merely new ways to turn you into the product. This is well understood. If you invite pay money to bring that crap into your life, you have no moral high ground to stand on when Google does Google.


Of Icing and Cakes

My favorite has to be this person:

Wait, let me get this straight? Google inserting an ad into your morning dose of information is “somehow” worse than Apple giving you a free album?

I can’t even. It’s amazing how so many people managed to live through the Great Apple Gave Me Something for Free Crisis of 2014.

If there’s a god in heaven, that’s an ironic dig at the outrage. Somehow, I fear it’s not..


Not an Ad

In the meanwhile, Google said this ad for Beauty and the Beast delivered to a lot of Google Home users wasn’t an ad at all. It was merely the product of Google working with a “partner” to deliver “timely” information.




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