macOS Sierra: Disable Auto-Logout if Sierra Enabled It

Some people have reported weird rebooting/logging out problems on their Macs after upgrading to macOS Sierra. Mac Geek Gab listener Ken was one of those folks, and he traced it to an auto-logout preference Sierra appears to have changed for him. Fortunately, resetting it is an easy fix. Here’s how:

Auto-Logout in macOS Sierra

The basic feature is just that, a feature, not a bug. You can set your Mac to automatically log out of your account after X minutes of inactivity. For those with sensitive information on their Macs, it’s an added layer of security, but very few of us need or want that.

The problem for a small number of users is that the upgrade to macOS Sierra appears to have turned that setting on. If you find yourself returning to a login screen inexplicably, you should check this setting and turn it back off.

Go ti System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Advanced… > Log out after X minutes of inactivity, as shown below.

Some people have reported weird rebooting macOS Sierra: Disable Auto-Logout if Sierra Enabled It

System Preferences in macOS Sierra

Some people have reported weird rebooting macOS Sierra: Disable Auto-Logout if Sierra Enabled It

Screenshot showing Security & Privacy Preferences in macOS Sierra

To get to the auto-logout feature, click the Advanced button. You may need to click the lock icon in the lower left corner to access the Advanced button. In my screenshot, I’ve already unlocked it.

When you click the Advanced button, you’ll get a pop-down sheet with two options:

1.) Log out after [X] minutes of inactivity

2.) Require an administrator password to access system-wide preferences


Some people have reported weird rebooting macOS Sierra: Disable Auto-Logout if Sierra Enabled It

Auto-Logout Preference in macOS Sierra

If the first option is checked, your Mac will automatically log out after however many minutes of inactivity is set. If it is not checked, you won’t be auto-logged-out.

Thanks for the tip, Ken!

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