Apple Ships macOS Sierra
Apple released macOS Sierra on Tuesday. The successor to OS X El Capitan, Sierra brings Universal Clipboard, iCloud Desktop and Documents, Auto Unlock and Apple Pay to the Mac. It also features Siri integration, as well as other improvements. The update is free.

macOS Sierra on MacBook
The company introduced Sierra during June’s World Wide Developer Conference. Some aspects, such as Universal Clipboard and Auto Unlock, are designed specifically for use with iPhone and Apple Watch. Apple Pay will be usable on the Web for the first time on a Mac.
Download Sierra
You won’t find Sierra as an update in the Mac App Store. Instead, you’ll need to search for it or use our handy-dandy link. Apple has a link for checking hardware compatibility, too.
Dave Hamilton, Jeff Gamet, and I discussed some best practices for updating on Tuesday’s Daily Observations.
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