Apple Leaks iPhone 7 Features on Twitter
Apple hasn’t officially announced the iPhone 7 yet at its “See you on the 7th” media event, but that didn’t stop the company from revealing some of its features on Twitter. The company’s Twitter feed is highlighting features like waterproofness, new cameras, stereo speakers, and longer battery life.

Apple accidentally leaks iPhone 7 on Twitter
The morning’s presentation is showing off Apple Music numbers and Super Mario Bros coming to iOS, and hasn’t reached the big iPhone 7 reveal. Apple is essentially scooping itself on Twitter ahead of its on-stage announcements.
The videos included with the tweets show a glossy black iPhone 7, confirming the new colors rumors, too.
Someone at Apple realized what was happening and quickly pulled the tweets, but once on the Internet takebacks are pretty much impossible. On the upside, at least Apple knows the Twitter account it left languishing for years really does work and people are watching it.
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